Monday, October 22, 2018

The 4 important A's in education

A number one (agreeing with the book "School"):

                       1) Equal education for all

                       2) Testing students through Common Core Standards are ok as long as it grants every child a chance to learn and succeed instead of spending the entire year studying for the tests!
Related image

A number two (Disagreeing with the book "School")

                      1) Abbott Decision -> why was it based on property tax/ social class, this would lead to wealthier neighborhoods having a better education while minority communities are stuck reading 30 year old textbooks which are obviously outdated, this would misinform the children of the future and have them feel less confident in themselves because they wouldn't be able to trust the information given to them and eventually they would lose hope in fulfilling their dreams!

                      2) Funding based on standardized test performance -> overwhelming kids with too much testing, not only should kids not worry about about a dumb state test but they also should not be stressing, they should be having fun and growing! We sometimes forget that we were once their age, yes kids should have a sense of responsibility with their grades but they should not be haunted in their dreams by a state test!

A number three (assumptions made by me or the author of "School")

                      1) There is another way to make education accessible regardless of race and or economic status because let's face it, segregation still exists but it is so well hidden nowadays that people forget it's still a problem.

                     2) What these children learn will shape them into their dream profession-> this may not always happen but we should be mindful that many of the things that surround our children may or may not affect them.

The final most important A (aspirations of my own according to the book "School")

                    1) To have a classroom where I feel comfortable with my students and they are comfortable with me -> I don't need them hating me or the subject (Earth and Space science) because the state decides to control and restrict me from teaching what I think would be fun and good to learn for future reference, how many of us can remember the moon's phases? I'm sure many of us might have forgotten it the second we walked out of a science classroom.

                   2) Make school a safe environment for children not to hate but grow and love learning.

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